I have been using the eHoster.se web hotel to host my iseborn.eu web site for over a year now, and have had no serious problems with them. However, two days ago, I noticed that the HTTPS security certificate for their web-mail had expired. I created a support ticket, but nothing happened until just now. They renewed the certificate just minutes ago, so that works fine now. But still no response at all to my ticket.
To me, the security certificate is no big deal in itself, but I don’t like how they handled the problem. If it was just that, I probably would have let it slip, but since I created my site in 2013 I have found that some things that I wanted to use on my site was not available, I also am not very fond of the Plesk dashboard that they use. So, when taken together, this problems made me look for another  hosting service.
I decided on using JustHost.com which have received good reviews and seems competent. And so far so good – registered an hour or so ago
I also decided to use WordPress for my site this time around. I am completely new to that so I guess we’ll see how that turns out, but my first impression is that I like it