Site news

News about this site. I will not typically mention blog posts here since those have their own history, rather I will record when I make major (and minor but important) additions, changes, and removals to the site itself.

2014-05-11 I now “officially” consider this to be my main site, meaning that the old site is no longer in use. I did however bump into an unexpected problem here. My new web service provider JustHost cannot handle .eu domains, which means that I (at least for now) cannot move my domain here. I have solved this temporarily with a redirect to, but I need to find a better way to handle it.

2014-03-31 Oops – now I’ve forgot about updating the news page again… Let’s see:

  • Managed to speed up the site significantly by removing a couple of really heavy WordPress plugins.
  • Added a link to the site wiki. The wiki is still empty though. I haven’t decided on whether I should import all the pages from the old wiki or just start over and import individual pages as I need or want them…
  • Created a header picture for the site (the one you see at the top of every page). I’ve never done anything like that so I’m rather proud of the result,
  • Started to re-write the About page (again).

2014-03-23 Added a site map page. Restructured the right-hand menu a bit and added a Subscription and a Social media panel. Updated some outdated texts. Added my old Einstein quote page.

2014-03-21 Changed the WordPress theme for the site to zeeStyle and partially restructured the pages. Also added this news page and the Kids page (in Swedish since it mainly is for my niece and my nephews).

2014-03-20 Registered the domain and started to build this new site using WordPress.

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